Burgers with Sautéed and Glazed Onions by George Duran

Burger with Sautéed and Glazed Onions


  • 1 lb. ground beef

  • 1 tsp. Kosher Salt

  • 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper

  • 1 package (10 cubes) Dorot Gardens frozen sautéed glazed onions, thawed

  • 4 burger buns

  • Toppings like lettuce, tomatoes and guacamole


      1. Pre-heat your grill or griddle pan on high heat.
      2. In a medium bowl mix ground beef with salt, pepper and half of the thawed sautéed glazed onions. Reserve the other half. Form them into four Nlat patties.
      3. Grill or sauté both sides of each burger and cook to your desired doneness.
      4. Add your favorite toppings and beef patty to your burger bun and top with the reserved onions.

        Serves 4