The Dorot Gardens Store Locator

Use the store locator below to find locations nearest you.

The best place to look for Dorot Gardens products is in the frozen veggie aisle at your favorite grocery store. However, if you’ve already looked there and you still can’t find our range of flash-frozen garlic, onion and herb cubes, then the next step is to consult this Dorot Gardens store locator:

Dorot Gardens pre-portioned garlic, onions and herb cubes take the tedium out of cooking – no chopping, no measuring, just awesome flavor that’s as simple as ‘pop, drop, done’!

Other useful resources

In addition to this store locator, our website is also home to a large selection of recipes that can be made using our products, information about our company and our story so far, and more. Click around and take a look!

“The Dorot squares of garlic are the very best. They don’t spoil like the bottled garlic and they stay fresh. Each small square is equal to a clove. They are 5 star for any great cook!”

5 star Amazon customer

“The whole line from Dorot is wonderful. I keep the onions, cilantro, basil, ginger and garlic in the freezer. I primarily use them in sauces. They pack a punch!”

Wild Fork

"Will always have this in my freezer! So convenient and so very good. No more chopping ginger for me! "

Wild Fork

"These are so convenient! No more chopping up stinky sticky garlic, just pop one into your cooking and voila!"

Sample name